40 research outputs found

    Iterative design and optimization of initially inactive Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) identify VZ185 as a potent, fast and selective von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)-based dual degrader probe of BRD9 and BRD7

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    Developing PROTACs to redirect the ubiquitination activity of E3 ligases and potently degrade a target protein within cells can be a lengthy and unpredictable process, and it remains unclear whether any combination of E3 and target might be productive for degradation. We describe a probe-quality degrader for a ligase-target pair deemed unsuitable: the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) and BRD9, a bromodomain-containing subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex BAF. VHL-based degraders could be optimized from suboptimal compounds in two rounds by systematically varying conjugation patterns and linkers, and monitoring cellular degradation activities, kinetic profiles, and ubiquitination, as well as ternary complex formation thermodynamics. The emerged structure-activity relationships guided the discovery of VZ185, a potent, fast and selective degrader of BRD9 and of its close homolog BRD7. Our findings qualify a new chemical tool for BRD7/9 knockdown, and provide a roadmap for PROTAC development against seemingly incompatible target-ligase combinations

    Mitotic Arrest-Deficient 2 Like 2 (MAD2L2) Interacts with Escherichia coli Effector Protein EspF

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    Enteropathogenic (EPEC) and Enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) Escherichia coli are considered emerging zoonotic pathogens of worldwide distribution. The pathogenicity of the bacteria is conferred by multiple virulence determinants, including the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) pathogenicity island, which encodes a type III secretion system (T3SS) and effector proteins, including the multifunctional secreted effector protein (EspF). EspF sequences differ between EPEC and EHEC serotypes in terms of the number and residues of SH3-binding polyproline-rich repeats and N-terminal localization sequence. The aim of this study was to discover additional cellular interactions of EspF that may play important roles in E. coli colonization using the Yeast two-hybrid screening system (Y2H). Y2H screening identified the anaphase-promoting complex inhibitor Mitotic Arrest-Deficient 2 Like 2 (MAD2L2) as a host protein that interacts with EspF. Using LUMIER assays, MAD2L2 was shown to interact with EspF variants from EHEC O157:H7 and O26:H11 as well as EPEC O127:H6. MAD2L2 is targeted by the non-homologous Shigella effector protein invasion plasmid antigen B (IpaB) to halt the cell cycle and limit epithelial cell turnover. Therefore, we postulate that interactions between EspF and MAD2L2 serve a similar function in promoting EPEC and EHEC colonization, since cellular turnover is a key method for bacteria removal from the epithelium. Future work should investigate the biological importance of this interaction that could promote the colonization of EPEC and EHEC E. coli in the host

    Highly Selective PTK2 Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras to Probe Focal Adhesion Kinase Scaffolding Functions

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    Focal adhesion tyrosine kinase (PTK2) is often overexpressed in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and several reports have linked PTK2 depletion and/or pharmacological inhibition to reduced tumorigenicity. However, the clinical relevance of targeting PTK2 still remains to be proven. Here, we present two highly selective and functional PTK2 proteolysis-targeting chimeras utilizing von Hippel–Lindau and cereblon ligands to hijack E3 ligases for PTK2 degradation. BI-3663 (cereblon-based) degrades PTK2 with a median DC<sub>50</sub> of 30 nM to >80% across a panel of 11 HCC cell lines. Despite effective PTK2 degradation, these compounds did not phenocopy the reported antiproliferative effects of PTK2 depletion in any of the cell lines tested. By disclosing these compounds, we hope to provide valuable tools for the study of PTK2 degradation across different biological systems

    The SARS-Coronavirus-Host Interactome: Identification of Cyclophilins as Target for Pan-Coronavirus Inhibitors

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    Coronaviruses (CoVs) are important human and animal pathogens that induce fatal respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological disease. The outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002/2003 has demonstrated human vulnerability to (Coronavirus) CoV epidemics. Neither vaccines nor therapeutics are available against human and animal CoVs. Knowledge of host cell proteins that take part in pivotal virus-host interactions could define broad-spectrum antiviral targets. In this study, we used a systems biology approach employing a genome-wide yeast-two hybrid interaction screen to identify immunopilins (PPIA, PPIB, PPIH, PPIG, FKBP1A, FKBP1B) as interaction partners of the CoV non-structural protein 1 (Nsp1). These molecules modulate the Calcineurin/NFAT pathway that plays an important role in immune cell activation. Overexpression of NSP1 and infection with live SARS-CoV strongly increased signalling through the Calcineurin/NFAT pathway and enhanced the induction of interleukin 2, compatible with late-stage immunopathogenicity and long-term cytokine dysregulation as observed in severe SARS cases. Conversely, inhibition of cyclophilins by cyclosporine A (CspA) blocked the replication of CoVs of all genera, including SARS-CoV, human CoV-229E and -NL-63, feline CoV, as well as avian infectious bronchitis virus. Non-immunosuppressive derivatives of CspA might serve as broad-range CoV inhibitors applicable against emerging CoVs as well as ubiquitous pathogens of humans and livestock

    A selective and orally bioavailable VHL-recruiting PROTAC achieves SMARCA2 degradation in vivo

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    Targeted protein degradation offers an alternative modality to classical inhibition and holds the promise of addressing previously undruggable targets to provide novel therapeutic options for patients. Heterobifunctional molecules co-recruit a target protein and an E3 ligase, resulting in ubiquitylation and proteosome-dependent degradation of the target. In the clinic, the oral route of administration is the option of choice but has only been achieved so far by CRBN- recruiting bifunctional degrader molecules. We aimed to achieve orally bioavailable molecules that selectively degrade the BAF Chromatin Remodelling complex ATPase SMARCA2 over its closely related paralogue SMARCA4, to allow in vivo evaluation of the synthetic lethality concept of SMARCA2 dependency in SMARCA4-deficient cancers. Here we outline structure- and property-guided approaches that led to orally bioavailable VHL-recruiting degraders. Our tool compound, ACBI2, shows selective degradation of SMARCA2 over SMARCA4 in ex vivo human whole blood assays and in vivo efficacy in SMARCA4-deficient cancer models. This study demonstrates the feasibility for broadening the E3 ligase and physicochemical space that can be utilised for achieving oral efficacy with bifunctional molecules

    A systematic analysis of host factors reveals a Med23-interferon-λ regulatory axis against herpes simplex virus type 1 replication

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    Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a neurotropic virus causing vesicular oral or genital skin lesions, meningitis and other diseases particularly harmful in immunocompromised individuals. To comprehensively investigate the complex interaction between HSV-1 and its host we combined two genome-scale screens for host factors (HFs) involved in virus replication. A yeast two-hybrid screen for protein interactions and a RNA interference (RNAi) screen with a druggable genome small interfering RNA (siRNA) library confirmed existing and identified novel HFs which functionally influence HSV-1 infection. Bioinformatic analyses found the 358 HFs were enriched for several pathways and multi-protein complexes. Of particular interest was the identification of Med23 as a strongly anti-viral component of the largely pro-viral Mediator complex, which links specific transcription factors to RNA polymerase II. The anti-viral effect of Med23 on HSV-1 replication was confirmed in gain-of-function gene overexpression experiments, and this inhibitory effect was specific to HSV-1, as a range of other viruses including Vaccinia virus and Semliki Forest virus were unaffected by Med23 depletion. We found Med23 significantly upregulated expression of the type III interferon family (IFN-λ) at the mRNA and protein level by directly interacting with the transcription factor IRF7. The synergistic effect of Med23 and IRF7 on IFN-λ induction suggests this is the major transcription factor for IFN-λ expression. Genotypic analysis of patients suffering recurrent orofacial HSV-1 outbreaks, previously shown to be deficient in IFN-λ secretion, found a significant correlation with a single nucleotide polymorphism in the IFN-λ3 (IL28b) promoter strongly linked to Hepatitis C disease and treatment outcome. This paper describes a link between Med23 and IFN-λ, provides evidence for the crucial role of IFN-λ in HSV-1 immune control, and highlights the power of integrative genome-scale approaches to identify HFs critical for disease progression and outcome

    Evolutionarily Conserved Herpesviral Protein Interaction Networks

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    Herpesviruses constitute a family of large DNA viruses widely spread in vertebrates and causing a variety of different diseases. They possess dsDNA genomes ranging from 120 to 240 kbp encoding between 70 to 170 open reading frames. We previously reported the protein interaction networks of two herpesviruses, varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV). In this study, we systematically tested three additional herpesvirus species, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), murine cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus, for protein interactions in order to be able to perform a comparative analysis of all three herpesvirus subfamilies. We identified 735 interactions by genome-wide yeast-two-hybrid screens (Y2H), and, together with the interactomes of VZV and KSHV, included a total of 1,007 intraviral protein interactions in the analysis. Whereas a large number of interactions have not been reported previously, we were able to identify a core set of highly conserved protein interactions, like the interaction between HSV-1 UL33 with the nuclear egress proteins UL31/UL34. Interactions were conserved between orthologous proteins despite generally low sequence similarity, suggesting that function may be more conserved than sequence. By combining interactomes of different species we were able to systematically address the low coverage of the Y2H system and to extract biologically relevant interactions which were not evident from single species

    Minimum information about a protein affinity reagent (MIAPAR)

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    This is a proposal developed within the community as an important first step in formalizing standards in reporting the production and properties of protein binding reagents, such as antibodies, developed and sold for the identification and detection of specific proteins present in biological samples. It defines a checklist of required information, intended for use by producers of affinity reagents, qualitycontrol laboratories, users and databases. We envision that both commercial and freely available affinity reagents, as well as published studies using these reagents, could include a MIAPAR-compliant document describing the product’s properties with every available binding partner. This would enable the user or reader to make a fully informed evaluation of the validity of conclusions drawn using this reagent